Rock Advertising NH

Meet our Mascot Rocky

What do you like doing in your spare time?

I’m so busy, but when I do have time I like climbing into tight spaces. I know that sounds boring, but I just like it.

Who is your celebrity crush?

I used to have a crush on Tony the Tiger, but then I found out he isn’t real.

What's your biggest pet peeve?

Having to go to the doctor. They let everyone bring their pets to the office and it’s so annoying.

Do you have an annoying habit?
Chasing my tail – I’ve tried to stop. It really is a nasty habit. I know.
Have you gotten used to being a celebrity?

I’ve never gotten used to it. Some days I just want to be me. As long as I can eat in peace I’m good to sign autographs.

If you weren't famous, what would you do with your life?

I’d like to sit around all day. I enjoy doing nothing. Naps.

What would you like remembered for?

I think being the Rock Advertising mascot is my life’s work. I’ve made people laugh and cry.

What’s one thing people need to know about you?
I’m nice to everyone…unless you step on me.
What would be your superpower?

Laser eyes – I’d laser birds in trees in my backyard. That sounds horrible, but I just want to get those damn birds. It’s a compulsion and I may need help.

What pet would you love to have?

I thought about getting a cat, but then I think about cleaning the cat box. That’s gross!

What would be a good theme song for your life?
Cat Scratch Fever
What are some things that sound like compliments, but are actually insults?
You’re sooooo cuuuuttte!