Rock Advertising NH


Who is Rock Advertising LLC?

Rock Advertising is an advertising and marketing agency that specializes in video commercials, video production and other creative services.

All of our advertising campaigns are managed by our full time in-house media planner/buyer at our Derry, NH office. We place our advertisers on TV networks like ESPN, HGTV, CNN, FOXNEWS and on broadcast stations like WMUR, WFXT, WCAX and many other broadcast stations. In addition, we specialize in running commercials on all streaming services like Hulu, Paramount, Tubi, Pluto and also Smart TV’s and devices like Roku etc.

Rock Advertising began as a family owned business and we are grateful to be able to hire our long-term friends who are award-winning top talent Everyone working on your project has years of professonal experience providing local TV, radio and digital advertising solutions.

You can visit us at our office/studio space (via appointment) at the infamous Studio Lab which is a premiere Hollywood-style production facility in our region. We have multiple production studios, conference rooms, coffee bar and free parking.

How do you produce effective results for clients?

We are seasoned creative professionals that care about capturing your story.

We provide the best awareness advertising available today. We believe that heavy impression counts equal a filled sales funnel.

How much does a TV commercial campaign cost?

Typically businesses spend 5-8% or more of their annual revenue on advertising to help sustain and grow their business.

Depending on your industry you may need to spend more or less. (Sales flat? Slow growth year over year?)

Some businesses need to advertise 365 days a year and others only seasonal. When we meet all of these details will be worked out.

Most of our clients choose TV commercials which we run in blended campaigns using CTV, OTT and OLV.

Did you know that your advertising is 100% tax deductible? (Check with your CPA)

How does a making a TV commercial or other video work?

During our first talk we learn about your business which helps us gather script material. We also use materials from your website and brochures to help us learn more about your business. 

All basic TV commercials and videos productions take 4-8 hours to shoot.

If you’re a retail store we will coordinate so you’re able to keep selling to customers while we shoot.

If you’ve chosen a fully animated :30 TV commercial or video it may take a 2+ weeks to complete depending on the complexity of the animation.

Can you help us understand how to best advertise our business?

Yes, if you like to work while eating we’ll buy you lunch so we enjoy a meal while discussing your business goals.

Do you have special deal advertising packages?

Yes, we provide cost saving bundles where we’ll produce a TV commercial (or other video) and provide the advertising. We  sometimes have special packages and also create custom solutions.

Is there a reason you chose “Rock” to be in your business name?

We’re happy you asked.

“Rock” Advertising was born because of a few meanings –

– We believe that Jesus is the Rock. The word rock is used in the Bible numerous times.

– The movie Rocky has a redemption theme. He’s also given the opportunity for a shot to make something of himself. He doesn’t need the title – he just wants to be standing at the end. 

– “Be like the rock that the waves keep crashing around. It stands unmoved and the raging of the sea falls around it.” – Marcus Aurelius

– We’re an old school rock n’ roll company. Arguably the greatest rock song ever is Stairway to Heaven by Led Zeppelin. We live these lyrics everyday – “To be a rock, and not to roll…”.

We’d like to invite you for a fun tour (free lunch provided) of our video production space at Studio Lab in Derry. You’ll be amazed at the Hollywood-style world class video production facility right here in your backyard.